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Exhibitions – Painting, Photography, Multimedia

Group show, Mineral House, Brisbane, Australia
Glass Roots, City Hall, Brisbane, Australia
Solo exhibition, Illudes, Kuranda Gallery, Qld, Australia
Notuvida Jungle, 'THAT' Contemporary Art Space, Brisbane, Australia (with Sue Ryan)
Solo exhibition, Preliminaries For 'Big Smoke', TAG Arts Centre, Cairns, Australia
Artists For Peace, Community Arts Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Scanned Image, Arts Council Gallery, ACT, Australia
Solo exhibition, Une Nouvelle Couleur, TAG Arts Centre, Cairns, Australia
Multipul Fracture, 338 Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Aliens Ate Billy, Rondeau Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Inside The Greenhouse, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo media event, The Secret Life Of Riton Castenay, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, The Markendeya Story, Inner Circle Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Dutch Auction, W.I.N.D.O.W. Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Cassie Clit In Purgatory, Inner Circle Gallery, Sydney, Australia (with text by Victor Barker)
Art For Our Sake, 10 Taylor St Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Art In Shopfronts, Oxford St, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, I Am Your Secret Judge, Inner Circle Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Iron John, Gallery Café, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Homo Lives! (In Portrait), TaP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Exhibitionism, Pilier Norde, Paris, France
Art From The Heart, Bondi Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
Group Show, Node Gallery,
Solo exhibition, Myself & Princess Diana, TaP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Love Amulets Of The Clumsy Duchess, Fatz Café, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Hustler series, The Metro, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Angels Over Australia, Polymorph, Sydney, Australia
Solo poster exhibition, John Douglas Uses & Recommends, Sydney Metro Area, Australia
What Is Love?, Toast 2, Sydney, Australia
Art In Shopfronts, Oxford St, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Going For Gold, SIGNAL, Sydney, Australia
Flying Colours, Flying Colours Gallery, Fingal Head, Australia
Solo exhibition, Dead Friends, Get Funked, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, From a Fable to a Fool, Neilsen Hayes Library, Bangkok, Thailand
Spring Show, Flying Colours Gallery, Fingal, Australia
Out Arts, TaP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, All Together, GLCCSF, Ft Lauderdale, USA
Solo exhibition, Hung At Last, SIGNAL, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Backwards-Head Boy, Lizard Lounge, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, More Fools, Bayswater Fitness, Sydney, Australia
Red Green Red, 4th Floor Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Positive Footprints, TaP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo photo installation, 2D-2-3D, PLC, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Cats, Drag Queens, Travel, Bayswater Fitness, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Auto Da Fé, Istanbul Web Biennial 2003, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art
15 Years of Talkabout Covers, National Art School, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Caught in the Cottage, SIGNAL, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, My Friend’s Bordello, People’s Square, Shanghai, China
The Art of Condoms, Phatspace Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, artyfishallspace, Istanbul Web Biennial 2005, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art  
Solo web exhibition, John Douglas’ PACKETS, (
Solo exhibition,  Clarke Island, Jimbaran Puri Bali resort, Bali; Oriental Hotel, Singapore; Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Eastern &
Oriental Express Train, Malaysia/Thailand; CIP Lounge, Bangkok International Airport, Bangkok; Hotel Lake Tana, Bahar Dar, Ethiopia; Mandarin
Oriental Hotel, Macau; Outrigger Resort, Palm Cove, Australia  
Solo exhibition, Painting Air, Istanbul Web Biennial 2007, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art
Solo exhibition, From Elizabeth Bay, Kings Cross Neighborhood Centre, Sydney, Australia
Solo web exhibition, Landscapes And Men, (
Solo exhibition, Angels Over Australia, Kings Cross Neighborhood Centre, Sydney, Australia
No Home, Table For 20, Sydney, Australia
Solo exhibition, Hung Fools, Ken's at Kensington, Sydney, Australia
Queer Zines exhibition, New York Art Book Fair, New York, USA
Postcards From The Edge, Metro Theater, New York, USA
Sketchbook Project 3, Arthouse Gallery, Atlanta; Museum of Contemporary Art, Washington; Chris’ Jazz Café, Philadelphia; Laconia Gallery,
Boston; Antena Gallery, Chicago; Soulard Art Market, St Louis; 3rd Ward, Brooklyn; Museum of Design, Atlanta; Chicago Art Source Gallery,
Chicago; USA
Now Here's My Dark Side..., Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
IDAHO The Exhibition, Pine Street Creative Arts Centre, Sydney, Australia
Bent Art, Katoomba Civic Centre, Katoomba, Australia
Pride, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
The Canvas Project, Atlanta Airport; Art House Gallery, Atlanta, USA
Snap To Grid, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Rusty, Crusty, Falling to Bits, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Elle-mental, Lismore Showground Arts & Crafts Pavilion, Lismore, Australia
It’s A Queer Life, Serpentine Gallery, Lismore, Australia
Postcards From The Edge, ZieherSmith Gallery, New York, USA
Mardi Gras Gallery, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Pyrmont Art Festival, Sydney, Australia
Self Portraits, Brooklyn Art Library, Brooklyn, USA
Curiously Consumed, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
IDAHO - The Exhibition, Kudos Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Pride, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Tap Turns 21, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Outsiders Festival, West Torrens Auditorium, Adelaide, Australia
The Peace Project, Gallery 9, Los Angeles; Max Lang Gallery, New York, Meridian Gallery, San Francisco; USA
Paperwork, The Stefan Maguran Art Space, Adelaide, Australia
Snap To Grid, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
It’s Az Plain As Black And White, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Postcards from the Edge, CRG Gallery, New York, USA
Connected, Art Systems Wickham, Newcastle, Australia
Man Art 101, Istanbul Web Biennial 10, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art
IDAHO: FRAGILITY – Strength of Spirit, Pine Street Creative Arts Centre, Sydney, Australia
We Love Art, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
BentArt, Wentworth Falls School of the Arts, Wentworth Falls, Australia
Pride, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Love Me - ACON Charity Auction, Stonewall Hotel, Sydney, Australia
Oxford Arts Festival, Taylor Square, Sydney, Australia
Peace Rises, Gallery 9, Los Angeles; EXPO Arts Center, Long Beach; Swarm Gallery, Oakland; Aperture Gallery, New York; Showcase Gallery,
Santa Ana; USA
Outsiders Festival, West Torrens Auditorium, Adelaide, Australia
Snap To Grid, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Postcards From The Edge, Cheim & Reid Gallery, New York, USA
Wilde in the Country, South Hill Gallery, Goulburn, Australia
Nine Lives, Tap Gallery, Sydney Australia (with Loui Jover and Donna Malone)
Emergence 2012 (IDAHO), Quirk-a-bility Gallery, Parramatta, Australia
Solo exhibition, Midnight Gardens, Mines D'Art Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Make Peace, Deep Ellum ArtWalk, Dallas, Texas; Landmark Arts Building, Chelsea, New York; The Whole 9 Gallery, Culver City, Los Angeles,
CA;  Affaire in the Garden, Beverly Hills, CA; Gallery Expo, Long Beach, CA; Showcase Gallery, Santa Ana, CA;  Art4All People, Malibu, CA;  
Swarm Gallery, Oakland, CA, USA
Outsiders Art Festival and Outsiders Short Film Festival, Outsiders Festival Museum; West Torrens Auditorium; Langdons; Adelaide, Australia
Snap to Grid, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Solo exhibition, Midnight Gardens of Potts Point and Elizabeth Bay, Kings Cross library, Sydney, Australia
Postcards From The Edge, Sikkema Jenkins and Co. Gallery, New York, USA
Wilde in the Country, South Hill Gallery, Goulburn, Australia
Queer Space, Queer Space Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Out Loud, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Australian Identity and Beyond, Muse Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Add On, Depot II Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Peace, Love and Understanding, Affair of the Arts, Culver City, CA; Art Zone 461, San Francisco, CA; 29 Pieces, Dallas, Texas; Landmark Arts
Building, Chelsea, NY; Whole 9 gallery, Culver City, CA, USA
A Book About Death Australia, Tweed River Art Gallery, Murwillumbah, Australia
Outsiders Art Festival, Outsiders Festival Museum; West Torrens Auditorium; Langdons; Adelaide, Australia
Snap to Grid, Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Postcards From The Edge, Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York, USA
Peace Starts Here, Affair of the Arts, Los Angeles, USA; Landmark Arts Building, New York, USA; The Whole 9 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Snap to Grid, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Postcards From The Edge, Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York, USA
OUTLOUD, TAP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Pride, TAP Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Blue Moon, Spiritual Full Moon Gathering, Bondi Pavilion, Sydney, Australia (with Maria Albopera
Group Art Show, Yuga Gallery and Café, Glebe, Sydney, Australia.
The Resurrection of The Exquisite Corpse, Skylight Gallery, Richmond, Virginia, USA
The Kangaroos Visit, Galleria Giulia, Rome, Italy
Postcards From the Edge, Sikkema Jenkins & Co Gallery, New York, USA
Snap to Grid, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, USA
Postcards From the Edge, Metro Pictures Gallery, New York, USA
Pen/Line/Paint, 220 Creative Space, Sydney, Australia
Summer Show, Lionheart Gallery, Pound Ridge, NY, USA
Eden Unearthed, Eden Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Unconditional Love, Visual AIDS, New York, USA
Hype 2, 220 Creative Space, Sydney, Australia
Postcards From the Edge, Gallery 524, New York, USA

True Colours - Pride, TaP Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Art in the 'Hood, Joe and the Juice cafe, Potts Point, Sydney, Australia

All We Can't See, FortyFiveDownstairs Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Eden Unearthed, Eden Gardens, Sydney, Australia

Postcards From the Edge, Bortolami Gallery, New York, USA


Postcards From the Edge, Bortolami Gallery, New York, USA


Postcards From the Edge, online exhibition, New York, USA


Postcards From the Edge, online exhibition, New York, USA


Postcards From the Edge 25th Anniversary Show, Ortuza Projects Gallery, New York, USA


Postcards From the Edge, Berry Campbell Gallery, New York, USA


Kings Cross Times Newspaper, Australia
Robert La Bua’s Wellbeing articles, SX News, weekly, Australia    
Robert La Bua’s Wellbeing articles, Blaze newspaper, fortnightly, Australia
Cindy Pastel interview, Out in Perth newspaper, July issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, October/November issue, Australia  
Finnesse Communications, Sydney, Australia
Photographer at Nobel Peace Prize, Oslo, Norway
Talkabout Magazine, December/January issue, Australia
Robert La Bua’s Wellbeing articles, SX News, weekly, Australia    
Robert La Bua’s Wellbeing articles, Blaze newspaper, fortnightly, Australia
Travel article on Sydney, MCV newspaper, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, February/March issue, Australia     
That’s Shanghai Magazine, April issue, China
That’s Guangzhou Magazine, April issue, China
Etihadinflight Magazine, March/April issue, United Arab Emirates
Newsmix, April issue, Sweden
Tokyo Q  Magazine, April issue, Japan
ERATO Newsletter, April issue, Sweden
Newsmix, May issue, Sweden
Talkabout Magazine, June/July issue,  Australia
Out & About Magazine, Oct issue, Denmark
That’s Shanghai Magazine, November issue, China
That’s Shanghai Magazine, December issue, China
Le Meridien Hotel, She Shan, China
Australian Airlines, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, December/January issue, Australia
Newsmix, January issue, Sweden
That’s Shanghai Magazine, February issue, China
Bent Magazine, February/March issue, Australia
That’s Shanghai Magazine, March issue, China
That’s Guangzhou Magazine, March issue, China
Newsmix, March issue, Sweden
Bangkok Post newspaper, 6th April issue, Thailand
Newsmix, April issue, Sweden
The Pink Broad newspaper, 23rd May issue, Australia
That’s Shanghai Magazine, March issue, China
The Pink Broad newspaper, 6th June issue, Australia
Bangkok Post newspaper, 22nd June issue, Thailand
Talkabout Magazine, June/July issue, Australia
Black & White magazine, July issue, Australia
Etihadinflight Magazine, July issue, United Arab Emirates
The Pink Broad newspaper, 4th July issue, Australia
Newsmix, 5th July issue, Sweden
Vacations & Travel Magazine, Winter issue, Australia
Bodcare website,
Newsmix, 28th July issue, Sweden
The Pink Broad newspaper, 1st August issue, Australia
Bent Magazine, August issue, Australia
The Pink Broad newspaper, 29th August issue, Australia
The Well Magazine, September issue, Australia
G Magazine, September issue, Hong Kong
The Pink Broad newspaper, 27th September issue, Australia
Newsmix, 22nd September issue, Sweden
Blaze newspaper, 29th September issue, Australia
Bent Magazine, October issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 27th October issue, Australia
SXNews newspaper, 9th November issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 10th November issue, Australia
SXNews newspaper, 23rd November issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 8th November issue, Australia
Newsmix, 1st December issue, Sweden
Newsmix, 16th December issue, Sweden
That’s Shanghai Magazine, January issue, China
That’s Guangzhou Magazine, January issue, China
SXNews newspaper, 11th January issue, Australia  
Bangkok Post newspaper, 25th January issue, Thailand
G Magazine, January issue, Hong Kong
The West Australian newspaper, 3rd February issue, Australia
Newsmix, 18th February issue, Sweden
G Magazine, March issue, Hong Kong
SXNews newspaper, 1st March issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 2nd March issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, April/May issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 13th April issue, Australia
BNews newspaper, 18th April issue, Australia
The Pink Broad newspaper, 18th April issue, Australia
SXNews newspaper, 3rd May issue, Australia
OUT In Perth newspaper, May issue, Australia
BNews newspaper, 16th May issue, Australia
Newsmix, 18th May issue, Sweden
SXNews newspaper, 24th May issue, Australia
That’s Beijing Home Magazine, June issue, China
SXNews newspaper, 28th June issue, Australia
That’s Shanghai Magazine, July issue, China
Oryx Magazine, July issue, Qatar
That’s Beijing Home Magazine, July issue, China
SXNews newspaper, 26th July issue, Australia
That’s Beijing Home Magazine, August issue, China
Blaze newspaper, 17th August issue, Australia
Lockhart River Art Gang exhibition catalogue, arte indigena dall’australia, Italy
Newsmix, 18th September issue, Sweden
Metropolis Magazine, 7th December issue, Japan
Newsmix Magazine, 16th December issue, Sweden
SXNews newspaper, 20th December issue, Australia
Blaze newspaper, 21st  December issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, December/January issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, February/March issue, Australia
That’s Shanghai Magazine, February issue, China
Newsmix Magazine, 20th February issue, Sweden
American Express Platinum  Magazine, March issue
Talkabout Magazine, April/May issue, Australia
Newsmix Magazine, 29th April issue, Sweden
etravel blackboard, 11th April
etravel blackboard, 23rd May
Newsmix Magazine, 1st June issue, Sweden
SXNews newspaper, 5th June issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 20th June
Metropolis Magazine, August issue, Japan
Urbane Magazine, July issue, China
That’s Guangzhou Magazine, March issue, China
OUT In Perth newspaper, July issue, Australia
Newsmix Magazine, 7th July issue, Sweden
etravel blackboard, 11th July
Metropolis Magazine, August issue, Japan
Urbane Magazine, August issue, China
That’s Shanghai Magazine, August issue, China
etravel blackboard, 15th August
etravel blackboard, 29th August
Blaze newspaper, 30th August issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, August/September issue, Australia
Urbane Magazine, September issue, China
Etihadinflight Magazine, September issue, United Arab Emirates
etravel blackboard, 5th September
etravel blackboard, 12th September
etravel blackboard, 19th September
etravel blackboard, 26th September
Talkabout Magazine, October/November issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 3rd October
etravel blackboard, 8th October
etravel blackboard, 17th October
etravel blackboard, 20th October
etravel blackboard, 21st October
Bangkok Post newspaper, 30th October, Thailand
etravel blackboard, 31st October
etravel blackboard, 21st November
etravel blackboard, 28th November
Urbane Magazine, December issue, China
etravel blackboard, 3rd December
etravel blackboard, 4th December
etravel blackboard, 5th December
Newsmix Magazine, 15th December issue, Sweden
The Beijinger  Magazine, January issue, China
etravel blackboard, 13th January
etravel blackboard, 14th January
etravel blackboard, 6th February
Talkabout Magazine, February/March issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 6th March
Metropolis Magazine, 6th March issue, Japan
etravel blackboard, 16th March
etravel blackboard, 18th March
etravel blackboard, 24th March
Bangkok Post newspaper, 26th March, Thailand
Vacations and Travel Magazine, April/May/June issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, April/May issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 21st April
etravel blackboard, 27th April
etravel blackboard, 28th April
etravel blackboard, 4th May
etravel blackboard, 11th May
etravel blackboard, 18th May
etravel blackboard, 3rd July
OUT In Perth newspaper, August issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 14th August
Hong Kong Time Out, 19th August issue, Hong Kong
etravel blackboard, 28th August
Talkabout Magazine, August/September issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 11th September
etravel blackboard, 9th October
Talkabout Magazine, October/November issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 23rd November
Talkabout Magazine, January/December issue, Australia
Talkabout Magazine, February/March issue, Australia
Etihad inflight Magazine, April issue, United Arab Emirates
Talkabout Magazine, April/May issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 15th April
OUT in Perth newspaper, July issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 5th October
Aspire, 1st and Business class in-flight magazine for Etihad, November issue, United Arab Emirates
OUT in Perth newspaper, November issue, Australia
etravel blackboard, 7th February
Aspire, 1st and Business class in-flight magazine for Etihad, April issue, United Arab Emirates
Aspire, 1st and Business class in-flight magazine for Etihad, May issue, United Arab Emirates
CEO Magazine, June/July issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, August/September issue, Australia
Vacations and Travel magazine, July/Aug/Sept issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, March issue, Australia
Vacations and Travel magazine, Oct/Nov/Dec issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, October issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, June issue, Australia
Seychelles Tourism Board, Seychelles
CEO Magazine, March issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, April issue, Australia
Destinations of the World News, May issue, Dubai/worldwide
etravel blackboard, 29th September
etravel blackboard, 30th September
etravel blackboard, 2nd October
etravel blackboard, 3rd October
Long Island Pulse magazine, November issue, USA
Robert La Bua's CEO Travel magazine, December 2014 – June 2015 issue, Australia
CEO Magazine, January issue, Australia


etravel blackboard, 17th September

Illustration & Internet Design

Designed Peace Mural for Yorkeys Knob State School, Yorkeys Knob, Australia
Designed cover and illustrations for Talkabout Magazine, Australia
Designed logo for Princess Diana's Public Hair Salon, Sydney, Australia
Designed cover for Talkabout Magazine, Australia
Designed merchandise for Wet ‘n Hot Festival, Palm Springs, USA
Designed, wrote, produced the Why I Hate John Howard website
Designed, wrote, produced website biography of conceptual artist, Chad Witt
Created and produced 2D-2-3D CD ROM, 1000 photographs of Sydney (solo multimedia CD ROM)
Designed, wrote, produced website for author Victor Barker
Painting selected to illustrate The Perfect Diary 2004, Australia and New Zealand
Centrefold political illustrations for Last Magazine, October issue, Australia
Paintings selected to illustrate The Perfect Diary 2005 and The  Best of The Perfect Diary, Australia and New Zealand
Designed cover for Talkabout Magazine, Febuary/March issue, Australia
Illustrations for The Australian Atheist newsletter, March/April issue, Australia
Designed cover for Talkabout Magazine, April/May issue, Australia
Created Man Art - website for gay male art (2008 - 2011)
Cover art Talkabout magazine, June/July issue, Australia
Illustration for City Voice newspaper, July 14th issue, Australia
Illustrator for City Voice newspaper, (Oct 28th 2010 - 29th June 2011), Australia
Designed, wrote, produced website biography of conceptual artist, Chad Witt
Illustrator for SX News newspaper, (July 2011 – October 2011), Australia
Illustrator for Swiss Style magazine, (Nov 2012), Switzerland


Regular columnist, Talkabout Magazine, Australia
Identity, article published in Tropical Fruits Newsletter, Australia
On Being Single, story published in Buttmen 2 book, USA
James, Dean, story published in Buttmen3 book, USA
2009 - 2010
Regular travel columnist, Talkabout Magazine, Australia
Article for Noisy Rain magazine, USA Jan/Feb issue
Short story published in Noisy Rain magazine, USA Mar/April issue
Captain Moonlite art book
Midnight Gardens art book


Short films for Finnesse Communications, Sydney, Australia
Short film for Japan National Tourist Organization, Japan
Project One short film screened at Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Australia
Shanghai short film featured on Travelforum website
Singapore short film featured on Travelforum website
Painting Air film selected as finalist in Metroscreen Digibytes short film competition
A Home Exorcism film short-listed in Tropfest film competition
A Home Exorcism film used in staging for Therapeutic Paradox concert, June 2nd Anchor Hotel, Rockhampton, Australia
Go Go Johnny music clip for rock band Therapeutic Paradox
Colours music clip for La GvoL and Julie Miriam
The Truthbary film shown at Squatfest Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
Entr’acte film shown at Digital Fringe Festival
Entr'acte film shown at Squatfest Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
Spirits Rising music clip for rock band Therapeutic Paradox
Emo Techno music clip for rock band Therapeutic Paradox
A Home Exorcism film shown and finalist at the 2009 Outrate Film Festival
A Home Exorcism shown at Caught Short, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Thank You For Not Singing shown at Digital Fringe Festival
A Home Exorcism film shown at Sydney Squatfest Film Festival
cat nap film shown at Queer Pet Project, Dendy Cinema, Newtown, Sydney, Australia
Thank You For Not Singing shown at IDAHO - The Exhibition, Kudos Gallery, Sydney, Australia
HIV ABC film shown and finalist in Outrate Short Film Festival
Ward 9 film shown in and winner of Outrate Short Film Festival
Twelve Black Horses shown at the Digital Fringe Festival
Ward 9 shown at the Digital Fringe Festival
Pop Men film shown at Tap Gallery It’s Az Plain As Black And White exhibition, Sydney, Australia
Krate film exhibited at Connected, Art Systems Wickham, Newcastle, Australia
Man Art 101 film exhibited in the Istanbul Web Biennial 10, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art
Pop Men film shown at Pride, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
In The Park film shown at Outsiders Short Film Festival, Adelaide, Australia
Captain Moonlite film shown at Wilde in the Country, South Hill Gallery, Goulburn, Australia
Captain Moonlite film shown at Nine Lives, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Captain Moonlite film shown at Outsiders Short Film Festival, Adelaide, Australia
Sex Club film shown at Wilde in the Country, South Hill Gallery, Goulburn, Australia
Four Golden Candles film shown at OUTLoud, Tap Gallery, Sydney, Australia


Teaching Consultant in Art Therapy, Glenside Psychiatric Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
Children’s painting classes, Bangkok Community Services, Bangkok, Thailand
Men’s painting workshop, ACON NRivers Retreat, Australia
Artist in Residence and painting workshop, Lockhart River Aboriginal Community, Australia
Visibility/Creativity workshop for PLWH/A NSW, Australia
Assistant – photography workshop for PLWH/A NSW, Australia


Warana Festival Exhibition, Community Arts Centre, Brisbane, Australia
What Is They?, Rainforest Restaurant, Kuranda, Australia
Fag Art, Blue Café, Sydney, Australia
Visual Arts Director, QAF Arts Festival, Sydney, Australia
Darlo Homo, installation by Chad Witt, Get Funked, Sydney, Australia


First Prize, Caltex Painting Award, Central Qld, Australia
First Prize, Caltex Drawing Award, Atherton, Australia
Winner, Poztalk Writing Competition, Talkabout Magazine, Australia
First Prize, Bobby Goldsmith Foundation card competition, Australia
Finalist “Howard Birthday Card Design” competition, 26th July, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Ward 9 film winner of 2010 Outrate Short Film Festival
Inspiration Award for "Imagine" photograph, The Peace Project, USA
Inspiration Award for "You Are Here" photograph, The Peace Project, USA

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